Most Famous and Prominent Sufi Sanits of Egypt
1) Dargah Shareef of Syedina Hazrat Imam Abul Hassan Ash-Shazili (RA) (d. 656/1241)
( Gaus-Al Akbar / Qutb-al-Abrar , The Founder of Shazhiliya Order
( Also called as Shazuliya Silsila )
2) Dargah Shareef of Syedina Hazrat Ahmed Al-Badawi Al Fasi (RA) (d. 675/1260)
( The Baraka of Tanta, Shaykh-e-Tariqat ar Rifa;iya , Tanta )
3) Dargah Shareef & Masjid of Syedina Hazrat Abu Al Abbas Mursi (RA),
Alexandria (1219 - 1286 CE)
4) Mazar-e-Shareef of Hazrat Dhul-Nun Al-Misri (RA) (AD 796-859) in Cairo
( Hazrat Zunoon Misri Rahmatullah Allaih )
5) Dargah Shareef of Hazratha Sayyida Nafisa (RA), a female mystic from the 8th century, in Cairo.
6) Hazrat Imam Sharfuddin Busiri (RA)
Rare photos from the tomb of Imam Abul Hassan ash-Shazhili ( 656 AH/1258 CE )
View of Humaythra Valley, on Egypt ’s Red Sea coast.
Shiekh Abul Hassan Al Shazali (RA)’s Village in the heart of the East Desert.
Overview from Humaythraa mountain.
Shaykh Abu’l-Hassan ash-Shazhili died in the south of Egypt near the Red Sea while he was on his way to the pilgrimage in Mecca in 1258.
His shrine, which appears to be nowhere, in the middle of the desert, stands to the present day and is highly venerated. Near his tomb are two wells, one containing bitter water, the other containing sweet water.'
Historic stone
Maqam of Abul Hassan ash-Shadhali
The Shazhili order takes its name from Shaykh Abu'l-Hassan ash-Shazhili (1196/1197 - 1258 CE). He was born in Ghumara, near Cueta in northern Morocco into a family of peasant labourers. He studied the principles of Islamic Law (fiqh) at the Qarawiyyin University in Fez. He subsequently traveled to many countries. In Iraq he met the Sufi Hazrat Shaykh Wasiti (RA) who told him to return to his country where he could find Hazrat Moulay Abus-Salam Ibn Mashish (RA), the great Moroccan spiritual master. He did so, and became the close follower of this spiritual master who initiated him in the way of remembrance of Allah. When he met Hazrat Moulay Abus-Salam (RA), after ritually washing himself, he said, 'O Allah, I have been washed of my knowledge and action so that I do not possess knowledge or action except what comes to me from this Shaykh.'
Shaykh Abu'l-Hassan ash-Shazhili traveled from Morocco to Spain and finally settled down in Alexandria in Egypt. Later on in life, when asked who his spiritual master was, he used to reply, 'I used to be the close follower (murid) of Hazrat Moulay Abus-Salam Ibn Mashish(RA), but I am no more the murid of any human master.'
Hazrat Shaykh Abu'l-Abbas al-Mursi (d. 1288), who succeeded Hazrat Shaykh ash-Shazhili (RA) as the next spiritual master of the Order, was asked about the knowledge of his spiritual master and replied, 'He gave me forty sciences. He was an ocean without a shore.'
Hazrat Shaykh ash-Shazhili (RA) had hundreds of close followers in both Alexandria and Cairo, not only from among the common people but also from among the ruling classes. He taught his close followers to lead a life of contemplation and remembrance of Allah while performing the normal everyday activities of the world. He disliked initiating any would-be follower unless that person already had a profession. His admonition to his close followers was to apply the teachings of Islam in their own lives in the world and to transform their existence.
Among the many writings attributed to Hazrat Shaykh Abu'l-Hassan ash-Shazhili is famous litany "Hizb al-Bahar".
Introducing Coffee to the World : -
During his earlier period Imam Shazuli (Razi Allahu Anhu) had firm meditation at the Saffron hill. 40 days he was fasting and 40 nights he spent on prayers. Floral leaves and salt was the only food both for Sahar & Iftar. Some times Imam felt very tiresome and he was thinking about how to overcome this? At that time Allah (Jalle Shanahu) through some birds, showed coffee to Imam.
Those tiny birds wandering at the day time were praying and begging god at the night. But they were brisk anytime. Making note of this Imam Shazuli (Razi Allahu Anhu) was very much surprised. At the while he saw those birds sitting at a tree and taking some seeds. After eating that those birds were refreshed. Suddenly Imam collected those seeds and put it to the water and drank. What a surprise! All this exhaustness flied off and Imam Shazuli (Razi Allahu Anhu) was fully brisk and refreshed.
Historians write that was the first invention of coffee till today what we are using, and so the pride of introducing coffee a good refresher goes to Imam Shazuli (Razi Allahu Anhu).
When Sheikh Shazhili Imam and his followers (Mureedains) were staying at Humaisara on the way to their Hajj, Imam's fever was high. So, Imam called maali (RA) who was in personal and humble service of Hazrat Imam Shazhili (Razi Allahu Anhu) all the way and asked him to congregate all followers who were there. As it was the Time of Prayer, everyone gathered at once. Qutbul Akbar, Ghousul Ash'har Hazrat Sheikh Shazhili Imam (Razi Allahu Anhu) gave his Last Advice (Wasiyya) in general to that congregation.
In particular Sheikh Shazhili Imam (Razi Allahu Anhu) insisted about Hizbul Bahr, It's magnificence and powers.
"This (Hizbul Bahr) is equivalent to the ship of Hazrat Syedina Nooh (Alaihis Salatus Salaam ) those who boarded it, were redeemed. Like wise those who recites Hizbul Bahr will be redeemed and liberated in both their lives of this world and next (Akhirah). This consists Ismul 'Azam. Recite this daily. Make your kids, kith and kin to memorise and ensure their recital every day. Generations after generation do this as a tradition. This will fetch you goodness, prosperity and excellence”. Uttered Imam Shazhili (Rali…).
Then, Imam personally called Hazrat Abul Abbas Al Mursi (RA) and gave him some advices. Also He taught him whatever He wants him to be taught and appointed Sheikh Abul Abbas Al Mursi (RA) as his first representative (Khalifa). Also Sheikh introduced Hazrat Mursi to the gathering of followers there and told them,
"Oh! My most lovable disciples and followers, mursi will lead you all from the very second of my demisal. As everything happens how Allah (Jalle Shanahu ) wishes, I've appointed him as my representative. After my passing away, Allah (Jalle Shanahu) is to give him (mursi) a very dignitary position. The principles he shows you will be a doorway to reach the Almighty".
By the prosperity of sheikh's duaa, Hazrat Abul Abbas lead them all, turned into a glorified Qutb and his followers reached the doorway of Allah.
Then Imam Shazuli (Razi Allahu Anhu ) presided magrib there and then called His son Sheikh Muhammad (alias) Sheikh Sharfuddin, and asked him to bring water from that well of Humaisara.
Sheikh Sharfuddin with obedience looked at his father Sheikh Shazhili Imam (Razi Allahu Anhu ) and told "oh! My Sheikh and my respected father, water from that well is too bitter to drink and some soft and pure water is available with us."
Hearing this Sheikh Shazhili Imam uttered "oh! The chilness of my eyes! The piece of my heart. As you think, I am not asking that bitter water to drink. My intention is different. Kindly bring that."
Obliging the words of the Respected father, Sheikh Sharfuddin went to that well and brought some water in a vessel. Hazrat Sheikh Shazhili Imam took some water, gargled in his mouth and spitted in that same vessel and ordered His son Sheikh Sharfuddin (Razi Allahu Anhu ) to put it back in that well and Sheikh Sharfuddin followed Imam's instructions. SUBHANALLAH! This incident stood an everlasting wonder (Karamat). Yes! Substantiating the greatness and glory of Hazrat Imam Shazhili ( Razi Allahu Anhu ), bitter water in that well turned as sweet as honey for people to drink.
Till today, the taste of that water and it’s level in that well at Humaisara has never changed. Lakhs and Lakhs of people who come over there for Ziyarat carry over liters of water from that well to their countries.
On His way to Hajj, ona holy night, Sheikh Shazuli Imam (RA) was deeply involved in zikr, Istighfar and reciting salawats. Shazhuli Imam had never committed a sin in his lifetime. Continuing his efforts in reciting all the above Qutbul Akbar, Ghousul Ash’har, Sheikh of all Sheikhs, Qutb of all Qutbs, Ghouse of all Ghouses, Imam of all Waliyullahs, a Descendant of Prophet Rasulullah (Sal…) through Imam Hasan (Razi Allahu Anhu), the establisher of a Real Tariqa to Unite with Allah, the leader of all saaliheens, and a rejuvenator of Islam, Al Qutb Ar Rabbani, Wal Ghouse Al Fardani, Hazrat Syedina Imam Nooruddeen Abul Hasan Ali Ash Shazhili Razi Allahu tha’ala anhu…… left this world to Unite with Allah (Jalle Shanahu) early morning at the time of “Sahar” on 12th night of the month of Shawwal in the year (1259 A.D.) 656 Hijri at Humaithara. Hazrath Imam Shazhili was 63 years of age at that time. Followers of Imam Shazhili (Razi Allahu Anhu ) were found very much anxious and disturbed about Imam’s demisal. They were drowned in a irreparable loss which can never be compensated. All the other creations of Allah (Jalleshanhu) which were pursuing guidance from Imam shazuli (Razi Allahu Anhu ) were found lamenting, mourning the decease of Hazrath Shazhili Imam.Sheikh Abul Abbas Al Mursi (Razi Allahu Anhu) presided the funeral rituals and solemnized Janaza Prayers followed by burial. This happened after the Subh Prayers on the 12th night of Shawwal 656 Hijri (1259 A.D.) at Humaisara. It is located in desert called Eesaab, some 300 kms from cairo (Egypt) on the way to Makkah Al Mukarrama. Ibn Saffak narrates in his book DurratulAsrar,““Sheikh Mursi said: Imam’s wafat happened on 12th night of shawwal and we proceeded with funeral on 12th day at Humaisara. On the next day (ie.,) 13th shawwal we could see a beautiful building built around Hazrat Sheik’s Mazar-e-Mubarak. Hazrat’s Sheikh’s Geneology was written on that we were really surprised to see this But we could understand the pride and dignity Allah (Jalle Shanahu) has offered to Hazrat Sheikh Hazrat Shazhili Imam (Razi Allahu Anhu )”.So, till the day of qiyama Sheikh’s followers (like us) will be pride of following such a precious Sheikh from our Beloved Prophet Rasulullah (Sal-lal-lahu Alaihi Wa Sallam)’s descendants.
The most important historic Masjid in Alexandria, Egypt, as well as a very beautiful one, is considered to be that of Hazrat Abu El Abbas El
Mursi(RA). Constructed in 1775 by Algerians, it was built over the tomb of the thirteenth century Murcia Andalusan saint, Ahmed Abu al-Abbas al-Mursi (Abu’l ‘Abbas) who joined and then lead, as a devout Sufi, the Shadhali brotherhood. Abu El Abbas El Mursi is in himself a very interesting story.
MAZAR-E-SHAREEF OF HAZRAT ABU AL ABBAS MURSI (RA) , ALEXANDRIA, EGYPT ( Khalifa-e-Awwal Hazrat Syedina Imam Hassan Shazuli (RA) )
There are thousands of mawlids in Egypt. Most of them are small local affairs but the biggest of them, like the mawlid of as-Sayyid Ahmad al-Badawi in this image draw hundreds of thousands of people to a celebration that combines pilgrimage, meditation, ecstatic piety, music, charity, trade and amusements. Although millions of Egyptians celebrate mawlids and see them as a beautiful moment of love and devotion, many of their compatriots are very critical about these festivities and consider them backward and un-Islamic. These Images and texts will not tell who is wrong and who is right in the debate; perhaps there is not a true and wrong answer at all, but simply show what a mawlid is about and what it means to different people.
The appearance of mawlids is chaotic at the first sight: pilgrims' tents, ecstatic rituals, commerce, amusements, very loud religious music, and heavy crowds. It is not a coincidence that in the Egyptian idiom 'a mawlid in the absence of its master' - i.e. the saint - (mulid wi-sahbuh ghayib) implies a state of total disorder. But mawlids do have their order, only it is of a flexible, ambiguous, festive kind that allows for very different celebrations to come together in the "great night", the final and biggest night of festivity. In the words of a pilgrim "The mawlid collects the pious and the sinner alike. So you see very many things in the mawlid. There is safety in it, and that collects the bad, because where else should they go. So they come and do the things they want to. The mawlid is like a bus: in it travel the sheikh and the thief, all of society. You see the swing-boats and the sheikh, it's all in there."
So where does the bus go, I asked. his answer: "To our lord the Prophet, God willing."
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