Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Army of Elephants

The following incident is mentioned in Surah Feel of the Holy Quran and it happened during the period of the birth-year of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Abraha Al-Ashram was the governor of Yemen on behalf of the king of Ethiopia. He (Abrahah) thought to build a house (like the Kabah at Makkah) in Sana (the capital of Yemen) and call the Arabs to perform the pilgrimage there in Sana instead of the Kabah in Makkah, with the intention of diverting the trade and benefits from Makkah to Yemen. He presented his idea to the king of Ethiopia who agreed to it. So the house (church) was built and he named it Al-Qullais; there was no church of its like at that time. Then a man from the Quraish tribe of Makkah came there and was infuriated by it, so he relieved his nature (stools and urine) in it, soiled its walls and went away. When Abrahah Al-Ashram saw that, he could not control his anger and raised an army to invade Makkah and demolish the Kabah. He had in that army thirteen elephants and amongst them was an elephant called Mahmud which was the biggest of them. So that army proceeded and none amongst the Arab tribes that faced them (fought against them) but was killed and defeated, till it approached near Makkah. Then there took place negotiations between Abrahah Al-Ashram and the chief of Makkah (Abdul Muttalib bin Hashim, the grandfather of the Prophet), and it was concluded that Abrahah would restore the camels of Abdul Muttalib which he had taken away, and then he (Abrahah) would decide himself as regards the Kabah. Abdul Muttalib ordered the men of Makkah to evacuate the city and go to the top of the mountains along with their wives and children in case some harm should come to them from the invading oppressors. Then that army moved towards Makkah till they reached valley Muhassir. While the army was marching towards Makkah, in the middle of the valley, suddenly it was overtaken by flocks of birds, flocks after flocks, air-raiding that army with small stones slightly bigger than a lentil seed. There never fell a stone on a soldier except it dissolved his flesh and burst it into pieces. So they perished with a total destruction. Abrahah Al-Ashram fled away while his flesh was bursting into pieces till he died on the way (back to Yemen). Such was the victory bestowed by Allah, (the All-Majestic, All-Powerful) to the people of Makkah and such was the protection provided by Him for His House (Kabah in Makkah).

Source: Extracted from Tafsir of Surah Feel (Surah 105) by Ibn Kathir

Monday, May 30, 2011

Watching a Movie

The car parking lots of movie theatres seem to be always full. Even during late nights, there seem to be always people gathering to watch the latest movies. The movies are usually one to two hours long, yet the audiences keep sitting from the beginning to the end. When they come out, they talk about their favorite parts for many days to come. Sometimes, they talk so much about the movie that they convince other people to watch it also. Same thing happens with people's favorite TV shows or other programs. They remain glued to the TV even if the program goes on for hours and hours.

But, what happens when suddenly we are asked to sit for an Islamic lecture or an event for a short while? I have observed myself and many others looking at the watch continuously and waiting to run out of the Masjid. Forget about discussing what we have learned, as soon as we get out, we are angry at those who kept us sitting there for maybe 30 minutes or more. Sometime ago in a Masjid, a person during Jumah actually stood up and told the Imam to stop the Khutbah because the talk went little bit longer than the usual length. This happens because we have not inculcated the love of Allah in our hearts. If we recognized that it is Allah who gave us the time, health, wealth and everything we possess, then we would not be miser in using them for the sake of Allah. On the other hand, our heart is so much filled with the love of this world, that we are ready to spend hours behind watching something which we know is fake and unreal

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Japan Earthquake - A Reminder for the World

Anything can change in our lives within moments...

massive damage in japan

Are you fond of your car? Think about the owners of these cars.


People on this train didn't know it was their last train ride.

train wreckage

Always remember the life of this world is short and temporary

city under water japan

So much wealth gone within minutes...

broken cars

A peaceful life is a blessing of Allah, make use of it before misfortune befalls you.

huge fire japan

soldiers carrying dead body

ship wrecked in japan

destroyed cars on road

city under water japan

rubbles japan earthquake

people on roof

borken house

kids radiation japan

"O you who believe let not your riches or your children divert you from the remembrance of Allah and whoever do this the loss is their own. And spend in charity out of the substance which we have bestowed on you before death should come to any of you and he would say `O my Lord why don't You give me a respite for a little while? I should then have given largely in charity and I will be one of the doers of good. But to no soul will Allah grant respite when the time appointed for it has come and Allah is well-acquainted with all that you do." (al-Munafiqun 63:9-11)

Ibn 'Umar used to say, "In the evening, do not anticipate the morning, and in the morning do not anticipate the evening. Take from your health for your illness and from your life for your death." [al-Bukhari]

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) has said: "Take advantage of five matters before five other matters: your youth, before you become old; and your health, before you fall sick; and your richness, before you become poor; and your free time before you become busy; and your life, before your death." [Mustadrak of Al-Haakim, Musnad Imam Ahmad]

Saturday, May 28, 2011

An Easy Way to Own a Mansion!

Would you like to own this mansion?

mansion 1

How about this one?

mansion 2

Or this one?

mansion 3

May be this one?

mansion 4

Yes you do.

Before you get too exited...

How long will it take for you to pay for these mansions? They cost well over millions of dollars each! Can you afford it? I guess not.

But there is a WAY.

Yes, you and I can also own luxurious mansions better than these. Here is the secret.

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:

وعن أم حبيبة بنت أبي سفيان، أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال: "من صلى فى يوم وليلة ثنتي عشرة ركعةً، بُني له بيت في الجنة؛ أربعاً قبل الظهر، وركعتين بعدها، وركعتين بعد المغرب، وركعتين بعد العشاء، وركعتين قبل صلاة الفجر" رواه الترمذي، وقال: حسن صحيح،

Umm Habibah bint Abu Sufyan reports that the Messenger of Allah (Sallaho Alaihe Wassallam) said: "Whoever prays twelve rak'at during the day and night will have a house built for him in paradise: four rak'at before zuhr and two after it, two rak'at after maghrib, two rak'at after 'isha, and two rak'at before fajr." (Tirmidhi, who graded it as Hasan sahih).

These are the twelve rakat of Sunnah Muakkadah prayers that are observed before/after the above mentioned Fardh prayers. Praying 12 rakat of salah will only take around 20-30 mintues. But in return, you will get a house in Paradise every single day! A house in paradise is much bigger and better than any of the above mansions. Let alone, it's better than the whole world and everything in it.

Whereas owning a small house in this world will take years of efforts in paying off the mortgage, you can literally own palaces in Jannah with only 20 mintues of effort. What a great deal! Let us start owning our mansions in paradise from today.

20 Minutes of Tahajjud

Some people say that a person without a job is more busy than a person who is working because a jobless person is always going here and there to look for jobs. Even if this person gets a job that requires him to stay up all night will do so as he needs to earn money. This is the nature of human beings. When he knows the value of something, he will try to attain it even if it be hard for him.
Allah Ta'ala has granted us the gift of Tahajjud Prayer. Through this prayer, we can get many blessings from Allah. Problems such as sickness, family issues, money, hunger, etc can easily be removed by praying to Allah at Tahajjud time. However, because we did not recognize the value of this prayer, it is very difficult for us to spare only 10-20 minutes of our sleep to get up and pray. On the other hand, for some money, we are ready to stay up the whole night

Allah's Pharmacy

“Allah is All-Knowing All-Wise"…Quran


A sliced Carrot looks like the human eye The pupil, iris and radiating lines look just like the human eye...and YES science now shows that carrots greatly enhance blood flow to and function of the eyes.


A Tomato has four chambers and is red. The heart is red and has four chambers. All of the research shows tomatoes are indeed pure heart and blood food.


Grapes hang in a cluster that has the shape of the heart. Each grape looks like a blood cell and all of the research today shows that grapes are also profound heart and blood vitalizing food .


A Walnut looks like a little brain, a left and right hemisphere, upper cerebrums and lower cerebellums. Even the wrinkles or folds are on the nut just like the neo-cortex. We now know that walnuts help develop over 3 dozen neuron-transmitters for brain function.

Kidney Beans

Kidney Beans actually heal and help maintain kidney function and yes, they look exactly like the human kidneys .


Celery, Bok Choy, Rhubarb and more look just like bones. These foods specifically target bone strength. Bones are 23% sodium and these foods are 23% sodium. If you don't have enough sodium in your diet the body pulls it from the bones, making them weak. These foods replenish the skeletal needs of the body.


Eggplant, Avocadoes and Pears target the health and function of the womb and cervix of the female - they look just like these organs. Today's research shows that when a woman eats 1 avocado a week, it balances hormones, sheds unwanted birth weight and prevents cervical cancers. And how profound is this? .... It takes exactly 9 months to grow an avocado from blossom to ripened fruit. There are over 14,000 photolytic chemical constituents of nutrition in each one of these foods (modern science has only studied and named about 141 of them).


Figs are full of seeds and hang in twos when they grow. Figs increase the motility of male sperm and increase the numbers of Sperm cells to overcome male sterility.


Grapefruits, Oranges, and other Citrus fruits look just like the mammary glands of the female and actually assist the health of the breasts and the movement of lymph in and out of the breasts .


Onions look like body cells. Today's research shows that onions help clear waste materials from all of the body cells They even produce tears which wash the epithelial layers of the eyes.

sweet potatoes

Sweet Potatoes look like the pancreas and actually balance the glycemic index of diabetics.


Olives assist the health and function of the ovaries

Then which of the favours of your Allah will ye deny? - [Quran 55:13]

Milk :
The Prophet(SAW) said that milk wipes away heat from the heart
just as the finger wipes away sweat from the brow. It strengthens the back,
increases the brain, augments intelligence,renews vision and drives away

Honey :
Considered to be the best remedy for diarrhea when mixed in hot
water. It is the food of foods, drink of drinks and drug of drugs. It is used
for creating appetite,strengthening the stomach, eliminating phlegm,
as a meat preservative,hair conditioner, eye salve and mouthwash. It is
extremely beneficial in the morning in warm water and is also a sunnah.

Olive oil :
excellenent treatment for skin and hair, delays old age, treats inflammation
of the stomach

Mushroom :
The Prophet(SAW) said that mushroom is a good cure for the eyes, it also
serves as a form of birthcontrol and arrests paralysis.

Grapes :
The Prophet was very fond of grapes, it purifies the blood, provides vigour
and health, strengthens the kidneys and clears the bowels.

Dates :
The Prophet(SAW) said that a house without dates has no food, also to be
eaten at the time of childbirth.

Figs :
It is a fruit from paradise and a cure for piles.

Barley :
Good for fever in a soup form

Melon :
Melon contains 1000 blessings and 1000 mercies, The prophet SAW said "None
of your women who are pregnant and eat of water melon will fail to produce
off spring who are good in countenance and good in character.

Pomegranate :
The Prophet(SAW) said it cleanse you of Satan and evil aspirations for 40

Water :
the Prophet(SAW) said the best drink in this world and the next is Water, when you are thirsty drink it by sips and not gulps, gulping produces sickness of the liver.

So praise be to our beloved Nabi(SAW) who produced us with marvelous knowledge which dazzles the wisest minds. May this information be beneficial to all of us Insha-Allah

Story of Junaid Baghdadi (RA)

Junaid Baghdadi earned his livelihood as a professional wrestler. As was the norm, the Leader of Baghdad announced one day, "Today, Junaid Baghdadi will demonstrate his skills as a wrestler, is there anyone to challenge him." An elderly man shakily stood up with his neck quivering and said, "I will enter the contest with him."

Whoever was witness to this scene could not contain themselves, they burst out howling with laughter, clapping their hands. The King was bound by the law. He could not stop someone who of his own free will entered the bout. The elderly man was given the permission to enter the ring. He was about sixty-five years old. When Junaid Baghdadi entered the ring, he was dumbfounded as was the King and all the spectators of the Kingdom who were present. The single thought that occupied their minds was, "How will this old man be able to fight?"

The old man addressed Junaid with these words, "Lend me your ears." He then whispered, "I know it is not possible for me to win this bout against you, but I am a Sayyid, a descendant of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). My children are starving at home. Are you prepared to sacrifice your name, your honour and position for the love of Allah's Prophet and lose this bout to me? If you do this I will be able to collect the prize money and thereby have the means to feed my children and myself for an entire year. I will be able to settle all my debts and above all, the master of both the worlds will be pleased with you. Are you, Oh Junaid, not willing to sacrifice your honour for the sake of the children of Rasulullah (peace be upon him)?"

Junaid Baghdadi thought to himself, "Today, I have an excellent opportunity."

In a display of fervour Junaid Baghdadi executed a couple of maneuvers, demonstrating his finesse so that the King does not suspect any conspiracy. Junaid with a great display of antics did not use his strength and allowed himself to be dropped. The elderly man mounted his chest thus entitling him to the prize.

That night, Junaid Baghdadi had a dream of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) who said, "Oh Junaid, you have sacrificed your honour, your nationally acclaimed fame, your name and position which was heralded throughout Baghdad in the expression of your love for my children who were starving. As of today, your name is recorded in the register of the Auliya (friends of Allah)."

Thereafter, this great wrestler learnt to defeat his nafs (desires) and became one of the most eminent Auliya of his time!

Source: From the book "Tajalliat-e-Jazb" by Shaikh Hakim Muhammad Akhtar

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Islam's Contributions to Medicine and Medicine Facts

  • ranian scientist Samuel Rahbar was a pioneer in hematology and the understanding of diabetes. In 1969, he discovered glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1C), a form of hemoglobin used primarily to identify plasma glucose concentration over time. He was also the first to describe its increase in diabetes.
  • Chickenpox was also first indentified by Al-Razi, who clearly distinguished it from smallpox and measles. The Comprehensive Book of Medicine, especially with its introduction of measles, smallpox and chickenpox, was very influential in Europe.
  • The study of allergology and immunology originate from the Islamic world. Muhammad ibn Zakar?ya R?zi (Rhazes)was responsible for discovering "allergic asthma", and was the first physician known to have written articles on allergy and the immune system. In the Sense of Smelling, he explains the occurrence of rhinitis after smelling a rose during the Spring. In the Article on the Reason Why Abou Zayd Balkhi Suffers from Rhinitis When Smelling Roses in Spring, he dicusses seasonal rhinitis, which is the same as allergic asthma or hay fever. Al-Razi was the first to realize that fever is a natural defense mechanism, the body's way of fighting disease. The distinction between smallpox and measles also dates back to al-Razi. The medical procedure of inoculation was practiced in the medieval Islamic world in order to treat smallpox. This was later followed by the first smallpox vaccine in the form of cowpox, invented in Turkey in the early 18th century.
  • In hematology, Abu al-Qasim al-Zahrawi (Abulcasis) wrote the first description on haemophilia, a hereditary genetic disorder, in his Al-Tasrif, in which he wrote of an Andalusian family whose males died of bleeding after minor injuries.
  • The first psychiatric hospitals and insane asylums were built in the Islamic world as early as the 8th century. The first psychiatric hospitals were built by Arab Muslims in Baghdad in 705, Fes in the early 8th century, and Cairo in 800.
  • Ibn al-Haytham (Alhacen) made important contributions to ophthalmology and eye surgery, as he studied and correctly explained the process of sight and visual perception for the first time in his Book of Optics, published in 1021.He was also the first to hint at the retina being involved in the process of image formation.
  • Ibn al-Nafis, in The Polished Book on Experimental Ophthalmology, discovered that the muscle behind the eyeball does not support the ophthalmic nerve, that they do not get in contact with it, and that the optic nerves transect but do not get in touch with each other. He also discovered many new treatments for glaucoma and the weakness of vision in one eye when the other eye is affected by disease.
  • Muslim physicians set up the earliest dedicated hospitals in the modern sense, known as Bimaristans, which were establishments where the ill were welcomed and cared for by qualified staff, and which were clearly distinguished from the ancient healing temples, sleep temples, hospices, asylums, lazarets and leper-houses which were more concerned with isolating the sick and the mad (insane) from society "rather than to offer them any way to a true cure. "These contrasted with hospitals in Christian Europe which were more concerned with prayer. The Bimaristan hospitals later functioned as the first public hospitals, psychiatric hospitals and diploma-granting medical universities.
  • Abu al-Qasim al-Zahrawi (Abulcasis), regarded as the father of modern surgery, contributed greatly to the discipline of medical surgery with his Kitab al-Tasrif ("Book of Concessions"), a 30-volume medical encyclopedia published in 1000, which was later translated to Latin and used in European medical schools for centuries. He invented numerous surgical instruments and described them in his al-Tasrif.
  • Like in other fields of Islamic science, Muslim physicians and doctors developed the first scientific methods for the field of medicine. This included the introduction of mathematization, quantification, experimentation, experimental medicine, evidence-based medicine, clinical trials, dissection, animal testing, human experimentation and postmortem autopsy by Muslim physicians, whilst hospitals in the Islamic world featured the first drug tests, drug purity regulations, and competency tests for doctors.
  • In the 10th century, Razi (Rhazes) introduced controlled experiment and clinical observation into the field of medicine, and rejected several Galenic medical theories unverified by experimentation. The earliest known medical experiment was carried out by Razi in order to find the most hygienic place to build a hospital. He hung pieces of meat in places throughout 10th century Baghdad and observed where the meat decomposed least quickly, and that was where he built the hospital. In his Comprehensive Book of Medicine, Razi recorded clinical cases of his own experience and provided very useful recordings of various diseases. In his Doubts about Galen, Razi was also the first to prove both Galen's theory of humorism and Aristotle's theory of classical elements false using experimentation.He also introduced urinalysis and stool tests.
  • Ibn Zuhr (Avenzoar) (1091-1161) was one of the earliest physicians known to have carried out human dissection and postmortem autopsy. He proved that the skin disease scabies was caused by a parasite, a discovery which upset the theory of humorism supported by Hippocrates and Galen. The removal of the parasite from the patient's body did not involve purging, bleeding, or any other traditional treatments associated with the four humours.
  • Muslim physicians were pioneers in pulsology and sphygmology. In ancient times, Galen as well as Chinese physicians erroneously believed that there was a unique type of pulse for every organ of the body and for every disease. Galen also erroneously believed that "every part of an artery pulsates simultaneously" and that the motion of the pulse was due to natural motions (the arteries expanding and contracting naturally) as opposed to forced motions (the heart causing the arteries to either expand or contract). The first correct explanations of pulsation were given by Muslim physicians.
  • Avicenna was a pioneer of sphygmology after he refined Galen's theory of the pulse and discovered the following in The Canon of Medicine:
"Every beat of the pulse comprises two movements and two pauses. Thus, expansion : pause : contraction : pause. [...] The pulse is a movement in the heart and arteries ... which takes the form of alternate expansion and contraction."
  • Avicenna also pioneered the modern approach of examining the pulse through the examination of the wrist, which is still practiced in modern times. His reasons for choosing the wrist as the ideal location is due to it being easily available and the patient not needing to be distressed at the exposure of his/her body. The Latin translation of his Canon also laid the foundations for the later invention of the sphygmograph.
  • In etiology and epidemiology, Muslim physicians were responsible for the discovery of infectious disease and the immune system, advances in pathology, and early hypotheses related to bacteriology and microbiology. Their discovery of contagious disease in particular is considered revolutionary and is one of the most important discoveries in medicine. The earliest ideas on contagion can be traced back to several hadiths attributed to Muhammad (pbuh) in the 7th century, who is said to have understood the contagious nature of leprosy, mange, and sexually transmitted disease. These early ideas on contagion arose from the generally sympathetic attitude of Muslim physicians towards lepers (who were often seen in a negative light in other ancient and medieval societies) which can be traced back through hadiths attributed to Muhammad and to the following advice given in the Qur'an:
"There is no fault in the blind, and there is no fault in the lame, and there is no fault in the sick."

This eventually led to the theory of contagious disease, which was fully understood by Avicenna in the 11th century. By then, the pathology of contagion had been fully understood, and as a result, hospitals were created with separate wards for specific illnesses, so that people with contagious diseases could be kept away from other patients who do not have any contagious diseases.

Friday, May 13, 2011

On the Validity of Obtaining Blessings and Benefit by Means of the Hair of the Prophet (s) after his Passing from this Life

It is narrated by Bukhari in his Sahih in the Book of Clothes, under the chapter "What is mentioned about gray hair", that Usman bin 'Abdullah bin Mawhab (r) said, "my family sent me to Ummu Salamah (r) with a cup of water. And Ummu Salamah (r) brought out a silver bottle which contained one of the hairs of the Prophet (s), and it used to be that if anyone came under the evil eye or ill health they used to send her a cup of water through she would pass this hair [for drinking] and we used to look into the silver bottle: I saw some reddish hairs."
Imam Hafiz ibn Hajar in Fath al-Baari, Volume 10, page 353, said, "they used to call the silver bottle in which the hair of the Prophet (s) was kept 'jiljalan' and that bottle was in the home of Ummu Salamah (r)."
Imam al-'Ayni said, "Ummu Salamah (r) had some of the hairs of the Prophet (s) in a silver bottle, and when some people got ill, they used to go and obtain blessings from these hairs and they would be healed by means of its blessings. They used to take the hair of the Prophet (s) and they used to pass it through a cup of water and they would immediately be healed. And this explanation of the hadith is mentioned in Bukhari."
It is said in 'umdat il-Qari, a section in Sharh Sahih al-Bukhari, volume 18, page 79, "If a person were struck by the evil eye or by any sickness, he would send his wife to Ummu Salamah (r) with a mikhdabba [i.e. cup of water] and she used to pass the hair through that water and then he would drink the water and he would be healed, after which they would return the hair to the 'jiljal.'"
Muslim narrated in his Sahih that Anas (r) related, "The Prophet (s) came to Mina and threw stones and then he came to his tent in Mina after he made the sacrifice, and he told the barber 'take my hair' and he pointed first to his right, then to his left. Then he began to distribute the hair to the Sahaba."
According to Muslim, in the same hadith, according to another narration by Hafs (r), "the Prophet (s) when he shaved his right side, began to distribute either one hair or two hairs to every Sahabi, then he did the same with the hairs from the left side."
In Musnad, Imam Ahmad said, transmitted by Anas (r), "when the Prophet (s) shaved his head in Mina, he gave me the hair of the right side and he said, 'O Anas! take it to Ummu Salim.' When the Sahaba saw what the Prophet (s) gave us, they began to compete to take the hair from the left side, and everyone was getting a share from that."
Imam Ahmad in his Musnad said, "from Ibn Sireen from Ubaydah Salmani that he said, 'O Allah! If only I would have a hair of the Prophet (s) which I could keep with me: that would be more precious to me than the white and the yellow and everything that is on the earth and what is inside it.'"
In 'Umdat il-Qari, a section of Sharh Sahih al-Bukhari, "Khalid bin Waleed used to keep in his clothes some hairs of the Prophet (s) and for that reason he was always victorious."
It is said in the same volume of the same book, "Khalid bin Waleed asked Abu Talhah to give him from the hair of the Prophet (s) when the Prophet (s) distributed his hair among the Sahaba. And he asked to give him from the front side of the head. And Abu Talhah gave him from the front side. And that is the reason he was always in the front."
There are many other hadith on this subject, such that it is impossible to mention them all here. May Allah give us the blessing of the Prophet (s) his family and his Sahaba.
"Whoever held enmity towards one hair from me held enmity to me and whoever held enmity to me Allah has become enemy to him."
[Kunz al-Ummal, Haakim, ibn Majah, Ibn Hibban, Ahmad: authenticated by others as well]
"Verily, those who malign Allah and His Messenger -- Allah has cursed them in this world and in the Hereafter, and has prepared for them an abasing punishment." [Ahzab, 58]
Servant of the Sunnah of the Prophet,

Monday, May 2, 2011

The famous Mosque and dargah shareef in Kerala

The famous Mosque and dargah shareef  in Mamburam, is a major Pilgrimage centre and has the mausoleum of famous Thangals (respected members of the Muslim community.Muslim shrine and receptacle for Mazars of the Thangals (the pious relegious leaders of the malabar muslims), situated in A.R.Nagar village; is a major pilgrimage centre of Muslims.


This is an important pilgrim centre of the Muslims of Kerala.. Adjoining the mosque is the mausoleum of the Malappuram shaheeds (martyrs) whose  brave exploits have been immortalised in the Mappila ballads.
URS-E-SHAREEF :- The four day annual festival ( Urs-e-Shareef ) at the dargah shareef and mosque (nercha) is celebrated in the month of April every year
Jama Masjid, Thazhathangadi (2 km from Kottayam town)
This ancient mosque on the banks of the Meenachil River is believed to be thousand years old.
Ponnani Juma Masjid ( 600 years Old Mosque ) & Dargh Shareef of Yemeni Sufi Saint.

A 600 years old Mosque was designed by a Hindu Carpenter for a sufi saint who came from Yemen. After the unfortunate fall from top of the mosque while completing the construction, the capenter was buried inside the mosque. Its believed that only one large teak wood was used for the construction of whole building. In all entrances to the mosque one can read Quranic inscriptions engraved on it.

Distance : 18 km from Manjeri
The chief attraction of the small town of Kondotti is the Pazhayangadi Mosque, which is about five centuries old. The place is also famous for the Kondotti Valia Nercha - a festival celebrated by the Muslims with great gusto in the month of February-March. The revelry lasts three days and the festival plays an important part in the socio-religious life of the Muslims in the area. There is also a beautifully designed Mausoleum dedicated to the Sufi Saint Hazrat Mohammad Shah (RA), who was believed to have come from Persia. Moyin Kutty Vaidyar- Kondotty, the finest exponanent of Mappila Pattu. His Badral Muneer - Husn-Ul-Jamal, the earliest romantic piece is  praised for its craft. 18km east of Manjeri. On the way to Malappuram)
Pazhayangadi Mosque, Kondotti (18 km east of Manjeri, on the way to Malappuram).
Urs Shareef and Sandal Mubarak : - The three day long Valia Nercha feast at this 500 year old Muslim pilgrim centre, celebrated in February /March, is a local cultural event.
Thangalpara is a popular Muslim pilgrimage destination situated on the Thangalpara hill. It is believed that the Mausoleum of Sheik Fariduddin stands here. The unique feature of the three hills here is that they house shrines of the three religions of Kerala-Hindu, Muslim and Christian
Periya has been an excellent place for different communities to live. Many old customs and rituals are still followed by people here. The communal environment is very harmonious compared to its neighbouring places.
One of the famous Muslim mosques in this area, is situated nearby this village. It's known as Parapalli Makham Darga in Ambalathara. In this mosque, people offer prayers for all sorts of problems and they believe it gets resolved. It is interesting to note that people from all religions offer prayers to this mosque and thus is a proud icon of communal harmony. Jama-ath mosque in Kuniya has a great history of 150 years and it celebrates nabidinam every year with the support of huge number of devotees. There is a niskarapalli in Periya Bazar.
Dedicated to Hazrath  Masthan Saheb Syed Dawood Buhari (RA), a Sufi saint who came to Karaikal from Buhara two centuries ago. He died aged 120, in 1829. Various miracles are attributed to him. It starts with the hoisting of a huge flag on a pole-reminiscent of a ship and a sea-faring tradition. And winds up, 10 days later with a spectacle of floats lit with electric colours.
KANDOURI FATEHA FESTIVAL :- Kandouri Shareef Fateha in Dargah Hazrath Masthan Saheb Syed Dawood Buhari (RA) celebrations is over 170 years old in the commemoration of this great sufi saint in the month of November every year.
PINK MOSQUE,TRIVANDRUM ( BEEMA PALLY )This mosque situated near Trivandrum( capital of Kerala) is known as Beema pally; is a pilgrim centre.This picture is shot on a cloudy evening

beemappalli uroos thiruvananthapuram kerala




Beemappalli Dargah Shareef, about 12 km southwest of Thiruvananthapuram city.The Beemappalli Dargah Shareef is dedicated to Hazratha Bee Amma a pious Muslim lady endowed with extraordinary powers. Hazratha Bee Amma and her son who belong to the family of Prophet Mohammed are believed to have come here from Arabia centuries ago, to preach their religion Islam. The annual ten-day Sandal and  Urs Shareef  festival at Beemappalli is held in memory of  Hazratha Sayeedunissa Bee umma and her son Hazrath Sayyidussaheed Maheen Aboobaker who are laid to rest here.
SANDAL  AND Urs Shareef Celebrations :-
The festival began at 8.30 in the morning of September 12th with a prayer 'Dunha' led by the religious chief Imam Jauab Abdulla Razak Maulavi on the premises of the shrine. This was followed by a ceremonial procession. The following six days saw regular religious discourses and preachings in the evenings. From September 19 to 21st cultural programmes held in the evening hours added a festive mood to the shrine.As part of the festival devotees make an offering of coins in earthern pots (kudams) which are smeared with sandal Mubarak (Chandanam) paste. This ritual is called Chandanakkudam.Thousands of pilgrims travelled here in to take part in the festival. Flowers, silk cloth and oil offered here at Dargah Shareef were distributed to the devotees who visited the shrine, as is the practice.
Getting there :
Nearest railway station : Thiruvananthapuram central, about 12 km

Nearest airport : Thiruvananthapuram International Airport, about 4 km


HAZRATH KADUVAYIL THANGAL DARGAH is another place of pilgrimage that houses the shrine of a famous local Muslim saint. It is on National Highway 47 and attracts people from all religions, who seek the saint's blessings.
The KTCT College of Teacher's Education is established and managed by Kaduvayil Muslim Jama-Ath Charitable Trust. The Kaduvayil Mosque is one of the ancient and famous one of its kind in southern Kerala, situated by the side of NH 47 in Chirayinkeezhu Taluk. The centre of attraction is the holly shrine (Darga) of the renowned Sufi Saint known as Kaduvail Thangal, one of the descendants of Prophet Muhamad (PBH). Hundreds of devoties irrespective of caste creed and religion visit the shrine and the offering and donations of the devoties and well wishers is the main source of income of the Trust. The income is expended largely for the upliftment of the poor people of all caste and religion in the field of Education, Health care, social and welfare activities. The Trust runs other institutions also.

Kaduvayil, Thottakkadu P.O., Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India. Pin: 695 605

The story of Islam in Kerala is a story of organic assimilation, best exemplified by the older mosques.

THE small jetty looks like a downgraded bus stop. People sit on stone benches, lean against the wall and some simply stand as they wait. Their eyes do not restlessly gaze at the other bank of the river nor do they seem to eagerly anticipate the arrival of the boat. There is no sense of hurry or impatience. When you scan around, you see mundubedi umbrella, boats, verdant green and the red flags. This dot of a space seems like a fractal version of the larger State, Kerala. The wide Bharathapuzha, which meets the sea a few hundred metres away, fixes the place geographically. The history that has accrued gives it specificity. The name of the town is Ponnani and the place is Palli Kadavu. Palli refers to the mosque andkadavu is the jetty.
Palli Kadavu is the beginning (or end?) of a fairly long street. The mosque that gives the name to the place is something special and could be the reason, apart from the river, to bring you here. This mosque is known as Thottungal Palli and considered the oldest in Ponnani. At first glance, the mosque appears like a large house and a less-informed traveller could even mistake it to be a temple. The pitched roof, clay tiles, the decorativemogapu or front and the finials on the ridge are very regional in their character. There are no minarets and no domes. The call for prayers can be heard from the loudspeakers that are loosely tied to the mogapu.
Blending in
A row of old and beautiful houses lines the street. Down the road, there is another mosque known as the Agathe Palli, built in the 15th century. One may miss this mosque unless one is looking for it. This is partly due to the smaller scale of the building and the way it sits on the street. The mosques, including the one at the kadavu, are not viewed head on. They are aligned with the sides of the street and are like any other building that front the street. Their architecture, too, does not stand out but rather weave with other buildings. But the Valia Juma Masjid in Ponnani is an exception in terms of scale. This mosque is little larger than the other two, but the architectural language is similar. William Logan, the historian, thinks that the structure was built in 1519 A.D. In this mosque, near the Mihrab - arched niche facing the direction of Mecca - one can find a brass lamp as in a temple. Similar to the temple tanks, the mosque also has a large tank outside and is open to people.

The Miskal mosque, Kozhikode, with its pond.
Kerala has been a gateway, a place where many cultures and ideas arrived and flourished. Active trade existed between Arabia and Kerala and the Muslims dominated the trade. The kings of Kerala welcomed people to stay and granted them economic and religious security. Traders from Baghdad, Yemen and Bahrain had settled in many ports of Kerala and traded in spices and wood. By the end of the Seventh century, Islam reached the shores of Kerala through its traders. Christianity and Judaism had reached the place before Islam and enjoyed peaceful co-existence. For long, different religions spread in a non-aggressive manner. Local communities, both the lower and upper castes, took to the new ideas and converted to the new religion for various reasons. In turn, Islam that spread in Kerala assimilated the local culture.
Cultural negotiations
At one level, the Mapillas, Muslims of north Kerala, had invented Arabic Malayalam and engaged the local language through Arabic. At another level, they followed social customs like Marumakkathayam or the matrilineal system prevalent among communities like the Nairs. Customs like tying thali or mangal sutra, dowry system and other rituals were assimilated into Muslim culture. The architecture of the mosques was embedded in this negotiation and assimilation.
The many-pillared prayer hall resembles the earlier typology of hypostyle mosques that are known for their rows of columns. It is certainly related to the pillared halls of temple and palaces and grew out of the local methods of construction. The forms, architectural details and the material used are very much local.
Nowhere is this notion of assimilation more exhibited than in the Jama Masjid, Kozhikode. In the Thekkepuram area of Kozhikode are centuries-old mosques - Miskal , Jama Masjid and Muchendi. Unlike Ponnani, the Jama Masjid in Kozhikode does not appear prominent. It is larger in size but it is laid along the street and only the two-storied porch engages the street prominently.
The entrance porch of Jama Masjid is warm and welcoming with platforms on either side. For a moment you think you have stepped inside a house. The wooden plank on the platform is many inches thick and the columns are solid wood sculpted in geometrical forms. The ceilings are ornate with floral motifs. Above the ornate relief, the verses of Quran are etched. Mohammad Koya, the Valia Qazi of Kozhikode, reads aloud the inscription on the wooden panel above the entrance. The inscription refers to the later addition and expansion of the mosque. The addition and the original core are seamlessly stitched.

The ornate wooden motifs of the Jama Masjid.
As the Kazi fondly wraps the wooden column with his hand and recalls the contribution of the Muslims of Kerala, diffused light from the wooden trellis washes his small office in the first floor. The first floor is used for classes and short stays. The space is spartan but the wood is sumptuously used. It is the rich details of the wooden construction that are revealed as an ornament. There are no religious symbols and representations in this floor. The spatial quality resembles the large wooden houses of Kerala.
The history of Kerala dramatically changed with the advent of Portuguese in the 17th century. The Portuguese unleashed violence to wrest control of trade from the Muslims. The amicable relationship and the alliance between the Mappilla Muslims and the Zamorins changed. The story of the Mapillas in the colonial period and after is a different story to be told elsewhere.
Beginnings and continuities
The history of Kerala mosques, for that matter the history of mosques in India, is believed to start with the Kodungallur mosque. It is associated with the legend of King Cheraman Perumal, his pilgrimage to Mecca and meeting with the prophet and conversion to Islam. If this legend is about beginnings, the story of Mossakaka, the influential trader at Tellicherry and his deft handling of the colonisers, is about continuity. Mossakaka was intelligent and wealthy enough to convince the East India Company to sell their sugarcane garden within the city so that he could build the Odathil mosque. Between these two legends passed thousand years, but the traditions and the architecture that sprang from them exhibit a spirit of continuity and assimilation.
Islam in Kerala and Tamil NaduHazrat Syedina Malik Ibn Dinar ( Razi Allahu Thaala Anhu ) and 11 others who were the followers of Prophet Muhammad, the Prophet of Islam, first landed in Kodungallur in Kerala when they came to India. Islam received royal patronage in some states here, and later spread to other parts of India. He was gifted a defunct Jain temple by the local ruler, where he established the first mosque in the Indian subcontinent. The exact date of its establishment is not known but is believed to be in 629 CE. Though, generally it is considered to be the second mosque of the world to make Jumma Prayer after the mosque in Medina, Saudi Arabia. His missionary team then went on to built 10 other mosques along the Malabar coast including the ones at Kollam, Chaliyam,Pantalayini Kollam/Quilandi, Madayi/Pazhayangadi, Srikandhapuram,Dharmadom, Kasaragode,Mangalore and Barkur. Some reports suggest that the ancient mosques at Chombal, Kottayam,Poovar and Thengapattanam were also built during this time.
After the fall of Chola Dynasty, the newly formed Vijayanagara Empire invited the Seljuk Turks from Ottoman Empire from the Fractions of Hanafi (Known as Rowther in South India) for trade link in 1279 AD, then biggest armada of Turks traders and missionaries settled in Tharangambadi (Nagapattinam), Karaikal, Muthupet, Koothanallur and Podakkudi. Turks (Rowthers) were unable to convert Hindus in Tanjore regions. The Turks settled in this area's with their armada and expanded to a moderate size of Islam community with population of almost 1 million Rowthers. These new settlements were now added to the Rowther community. Hanafi franctions having fair complexions because they were more closely connected with the Turkish than others in South. There are some Turkish Anatolian and Turkish Safavid Inscriptions found in wide area from Tanjore to Thiruvarur and in many villages, inscriptions seized by Madras Museum and available for public viewing. You may contact Archeologic Division [II] at Madras Museum, for viewing and further research.
Later in the 1300 AD Arabs settles in the areas of Nagore, Kilakkarai, Adirampattinam, Kayalpatnam, Erwadi and Sri Lanka this peoples may have been the first Shafi Fractions (Known as Marakkar in Far South and Coastal area of South India) community of Islam. Shafi Fractions also have mixed fair and darker complexion because they were more closely connected with the Arabs than others in South. Arab traders also opened many new villages in these areas and settles. Intensive missionary activities were carried out along the coast and a number of natives like Malaya and Indonesia also embraced Islam. Arabs (Marakkar's) missionaries marries local women's and convert them to Islam. This conversion made Marakkars to be a very big Islamic community of almost 2.5 million peoples.
Prominent Sunni Madresas in Kerala  ( sunni madrasas)
Al-Kulliatul Arabia Ehyaus Sunnat Makhdumabad, Post Athukangal, Dist. Malappuram, Kerala - 676528.
Anwaria Arabi College Potachera, Post Nailaya, Cherplassery, Dist. Palacada, Kerala
Darus Salam Arabi College Naandi, Calicut, Kerala.
Jamia Nooria Arabi College Faizabad, Post Patikakad, Printhal Manna, Dist. Malappuram, Kerala - 679325
Jamia Sadiya Arabia Sa-adabad, Post Kalanad, Kasaragod, Kerala - 671317 Tel.: (0499) 2437216/2437841
K.M.M. Arabic College Pothanpal, Post Piurampadpu, Dist. Malappuram, Kerala - 2676528.
Markazu Ssaquafathi Ssunnia Karanthur, Calicut, Kerala - 673571
Tel.: (0495) 200121/200421. 
Beemappalli Dargah Shareef, about 12 km southwest of Thiruvananthapuram city.
Some other places of the Dargahs in Kerala is as follows:-
1)      Mamburam ( Tiroorangadi), Malappuram District
2)      Puthenpally Noonakkadavu , Eramangalam, Malappuram District
3)      Kakkidippuram, Malappuram District
4)      Monnakel , Valanchery, Malappuram District
5)      Maadin, Hazrat Khaleel Thangal Mel Muri Salath Nagar, Malappuram
6)      Kuttippuram, Achipra Thangal, Malappuram District
7)      Markaz , Karanthoor, Calicut District
8)      Kadalundi, Jamalullaily Thangal, Calicut District
9)      Quilandi, Parappally ( on Mountain ), Calicut District
10)  Shaduli Thangal, Mamukkoya , Hazrat Uppappa, Calicut District
11)  Parapalli Makham Darga in Ambalathara

List of Famous Dargah Shareef of Sahaba-e-Ikhram and Other Sufi Saints / Auliyas of Kerala :-
1) Hazrath Syedina Malik Bin Deenar ( Razi Allahu Thaalah Anhu), in Kasargud.
2) Hazrath Mohammed Ibn Alauddin (RA), Ediyangara, Calicut
3) Hazrath Raffi Rifayya (RA), Old Masjid , Calicut
4) Qutb-e-Alam Hazrath Mohammed Abubaker (RA), Madavoor-Calicut
5) Hazrath Sheik Shaheed Auliya Al Bakari Parambil (RA), Calicut
6) Qutb-ul-Qadria Hazrath Sheik Kamal ud din Ek Umrar Haji Al Qadri (RA), Calicut
7) Hazrath Sheik Mohammed Haji Thangal Shaduli (RA), Vadakara, Parapalli, Calicut
8) Ashiq-e-Rasool Kunoor Hazrath Abdul Khader Musliar Al Qadri (RA), Malapurram
9) Qutb-ul-Qadria Hazrath Sheik Sayeed Siraj ud din Al Qadri Ailakkad (RA), Malappuram
10) Hazrath Sheik Abdul Rahman Naqshbandi Khalidi (RA), Tanoor
11) Hazrath Sheik Mohammed Bappu Khalidi Shaduli, Machingappara, Tirur
12) Hazrath Sheik Jamal ud din Ek Ahmad Haji Al Qadri (RA), Muttichoor, Thrisur
13) Hazrath Zain ud din Maqdhoom (RA), Ponnani
14) Hazrath Zain ud din Maqhdhoom (RA) Mini Palli, Shompal
15) Hazrath Abdul Khader Sani Soharwardi (RA), Purathiyil , Kannur
16) Hazrath Mohammed Moula Buqari (RA), Kannur
17) Hazrath Sayeed Moula Bhukhari (RA), City Kannur
18) Hazrath Valiyullahi (RA) Muttil Juma Masjid, Muttil , Kannur
19) Hazrath Valiyullahi (RA) Oliyankara Juma Masjid, Cherukunnu, Kannur
20) Hazrath Pallipadi Auliya (RA), Ernakulam
21) Hazrath Sheik Fariuddin (RA), Kanjiramattom, Eranakulam
22) Hazrath Abdul Razack Masthan (RA), Kaniyamburam
23) Hazrath Masthan Saheb Syed Dawood Buhari (RA), Kariakal
24) Hazrath Mohammed Shah (RA), Kondotti
25) Hazrath Sayeed Hameed Thangal Rifai, Kalamassery
26) Hazrath Valiyullahi C M Abubaker Musliyaar (RA), Madavoor , Malabar
27) Hazrath Umar Qazi (RA) Veliyankonde, Malabar
28) Hazrath Sayeed Alavi Mouladdhaveela (RA) Mamburam, Malabar
29) Hazrath Kaduvayil (RA), Thottakkadu P.O, Thirvananthapuram
30) Hazratha Sayeedunissa Bee Amma (RA) and Hazrath Syed-us-Saeed Maheen Abu Baker (RA), Beemapalli Dargah shareef ( 12kms from Thiruvananthapuram city )
Venue : Beemappalli Dargah Shareef, about 12 km southwest of Thiruvananthapuram city.
The Beemappalli Dargah Shareef is dedicated to Bee umma a pious Muslim lady endowed with extraordinary powers. Bee umma and her son who belong to the family of Prophet Mohammed are believed to have come here from Arabia centuries ago, to preach their religion Islam. The annual ten-day Uroos festival at Beemappalli is held in memory of Sayyidhathunisa Bee umma and her son Sayyidussaheed Maheen Aboobaker who are laid to rest here.
The festival began at 8.30 in the morning of September 12th with a prayer 'Dunha' led by the religious chief Imam Jauab Abdulla Razak Maulavi on the premises of the shrine. This was followed by a ceremonial procession. The following six days saw regular religious discourses and preachings in the evenings. From September 19 to 21st cultural programmes held in the evening hours added a festive mood to the shrine.
As part of the festival devotees make an offering of coins in earthern pots (kudams) which are smeared with sandal (Chandanam) paste. This ritual is called Chandanakkudam.
Thousands of pilgrims travelled here in to take part in the festival. Flowers, silk cloth and oil offered here at Dargah Shareef were distributed to the devotees who visited the shrine, as is the practice.
Getting there :
Nearest railway station : Thiruvananthapuram central, about 12 km
Nearest airport : Thiruvananthapuram International Airport, about 4 km

More Muslim Festivals and Shrines in Kerala :
Mumburam : Muslim shrine and receptacle for dead bodies of the Thangals (the relegious leaders of the malabar muslims), situated in A.R.Nagar village; is a major pilgrimage centre of Muslims.
Valiya Juma Masjid Malappuram : This is an important pilgrim centre of the Muslims of Kerala. The four day annual festival at the mosque (nercha) is celebrated in April. Adjoining the mosque is the mausoleum of the Malappuram shaheeds (martys) whose brave exploits have been immortalised in the Mappila ballads.
Situated at a distance of 5 kms south of the capital city of Trivandrum is the prominent Muslim pilgrim center of Beemapally. Revered and visited by people professing and practicing all faiths, Beemapally is dedicated to Beema Beevi, a devout Muslim lady, believed to have been blessed with holy powers.
Malappuram (Kerala) : Noted for Nercha Muslim festival.
Nearest Airport: Cochin-165 Km
Railway Station: Tirur - 28 Km


HAZRATH VAVAR BABA dargah is worshipped by pilgrims who climb the hills singing hymns in praise of Lord Ayyappa and the Muslim saint.

Before going to temple pilgrims perform fateha.

About 35 million pilgrims visit this place in a year and the income generated is very high.
From my childhood i have heard the name of vavar swamy from many of my hindu friends who go to sri ayyappa temple and dargah of hazrath vavar shah baba (ra).

Sri ayappan pilgrims follow strict rules and regulations before going to pilgrims, they take bath in cold water early morning 4 am every day, they wear a black holy dress and no slippers and also the pilgrims avoid womens that they donot even eat food made of women's hand until this piligrimage of about about 40 days. They follow strong bhakti.

And also my friends informed that visiting dargah is compulsary and if some one doesn't perform fateha or visit this dargah they will definetly face problems in their ways or some thing will happen to them if they don't visit this dargah.

I have seen all piligrims have a great love and respect of the dargah of this sufi saint of south india.

Khaleel ahmed irfani - khadim of dargah Hazrath khwaja lalu bhai qasir chisti ( khwaja-e-bangalore) and astana-e-irfani, Hyderabad.

Al Bareed, Salalah, Oman
Hazrat Tajuddin (Razi allahu anhu ) Hazrat Tajuddin (Razi allahu anhu ) was formerly King who went in search of Hazrat Nabi e kareem ( sal lalu alaihi wo salam ) ultimately the king met and embraced islam on hands of sarkar e kayenath and was named as Taj uddin (razi allahu anhu ). He sacrificed his life , kingdom and obeyed the orders of Hazrat Nabi e kareem sal lal lahu alaihi wo salam and went to different places for the cause of islam due to which he was unable to come back to kerala so he sent a letter with great sahabi hazrat Malik Dinar (Raz) after hijrat of sarkar for the construction of masjid in kerala.
When hazrat Tajuddin (Razi allahu anhu ) wanted to go back to kerala his wisal took place , he was buried near port zafar ( old name ) which is now comes under oman , the place is known as salalah in oman.
All the sunni muslims of Entire Kerala and all ashiqueens around the world have great love towards hazrat Tajuddin (Razi allahu anhu ) and remember him as one the greatest personality who met our beloved Prophet Sal lal lahu alaihi wo salam and went to different places on the orders for Prophet Sal lal lahu alaihi wo salam for the cause of islam and Hazrat Tajuddin ( Cheraman perumal indian King ) was responsible for the construction of the first masjid in the india by sending the letter in the hands of great sahabi-e-rasool Hazrat Syedina Malik-bin-Dinar ( razi allahu anhu).